Pressing the back button may cause delays or double charges. Please wait while we process your order. In the meantime, take a minute to watch this important video by Dr. Harlan Kilstein
Experience The Benefits Of A Gastric Bypass
Without The Risky Surgery
The Biggest Medical Lie Ever Told
Medical doctors and surgeons agree... The gastric bypass is the most effective procedure available to lose weight fast. In an extremely delicate surgery, the doctor creates a small pouch from the stomach and connects it to the small intestine.
After the surgery, food goes directly into the newly created small pouch. This effectively reduces the stomach's capacity. Many people who opt for this surgery, see it as an easy shortcut for achieving long-lasting weight loss.
Unfortunately, gastric bypass surgery is associated with life-altering risks and horrific side effects. And these are rarely talked about...

The Risks Of Gastric Bypass Surgery
The biggest problem with gastric bypass is that it fails to address the root cause of the problem. It physically alters the stomach's capacity - but it does not change the behaviors that caused the overweight in the first place.
After the surgery, people tend to feel miserable. They are only able to eat meals the size of a vitamin. Food tends to go right through them, so wearing an adult diaper is often required. Most gastric bypass patients can’t eat without experiencing chronic nausea, vomiting, or severe acid reflux. And believe it or not, those are the mildest of post-surgery symptoms.
To top it all off, the cravings and the hunger are still there. And so are the behaviors that caused the overweight. So in many cases, people start to overeat. And sooner or later, they start gaining the lost weight.
It gets worse for other people. Many suffer from ulcers and hernias. Gallstones, leakage, stomach perforation, and bowel obstruction are not uncommon.
Fortunately, there’s a better (and much safer) way to...
Experience Dramatic Weight Loss - Without Surgery!
You can experience equally astonishing results using the power of the mind. Through decades of experience, I’ve developed a set of two hypnosis sessions that bring about profound change in eating behaviors and produce spectacular body transformations.

I’ve titled this set of sessions "The Hypnotic Gastric Bypass" and it includes:
Session #1 - The Pre-Op Session
Just like a surgeon prepares you for surgery, this hypnosis session prepares your mind to experience dramatic and long-lasting change. It sets the stage, helps you be ready for what’s about to come, and makes it easier for you to adapt to a new thinner and happier outlook on life.
Session #2 - The Hypnotic Surgery
During this breakthrough session we’ll delve deep into the mental patterns and behaviors that have caused your overweight... and metaphorically “cut them out”.
As a result, your mind and body will experience profound change. Because by tackling the root causes of overweight and removing them entirely, you’ll be able to think (and eat) like a naturally thin person does.
You’ll find yourself having an entirely new attitude towards food. You won’t suffer from cravings. You won’t succumb to stress eating or emotional eating. You won’t be tempted by snacks or junk food. You won’t feel pressured to eat at parties or special events.
And your body will change. A lot.
Over the course of my career, I’ve performed the “Hypnotic Gastric Bypass” on thousands of clients. And every single time, their lives have improved dramatically. They quickly became, thinner and happier... and they kept the weight off for good.
Back when I had my hypnosis clinics and did one-on-one sessions, I worked with a handful of people who had actually gone through a real-life gastric bypass surgery.
They seeked my help when the surgery failed to change their eating habits - and little by little, they began to overeat and gain the lost weight back.
My sessions were so effective, that actual surgeons started to referr their surgical patients to me as a one-two approach to keep the weight off.
And today...
It’s your turn to experience all the benefits of a “Gastric Bypass” without undergoing an actual surgery. Because for the first time ever, I’m making my renowned “Hypnotic Gastric Bypass” sessions available as a digital product.
I’ve recorded the two sessions in high-quality digital audio, so you can download them and start your body transformation TODAY.
Listen, I know you may be skeptical about hypnosis. So instead of trying to force you to buy using sleazy hard-sell tactics, I’d like to invite you to try these life-changing hypnosis sessions risk-free by offering you a...
100% Money back guarantee
Try The Hypnotic Gastric Bypass for 60 days. If you don’t LOVE the profound change these sessions bring. If you don’t experience the promised change. Even if you don’t like the sound of my voice...
Just email my team and you’ll get your money back. No hard feelings. No questions asked.
Are you ready to experience a dramatic body transformation using only the power of your own mind?
If so, then click below to upgrade your order with The Hypnotic Gastric Bypass sessions right away. You can download them immediately and start using them TODAY!
Upgrade Your Order With
The Hypnotic Gastric Bypass
Yes Harlan,
I want to experience all the weight-loss benefits of a gastric bypass without the risky surgery. You have my permission to use hypnosis to “cut out” the damaging mental patterns and behaviors that are keeping me overweight.

* * * IMPORTANT * * *
This offer disappears once you leave this page, so click the button below right now to claim your special upgrade discount
UPGRADE Discount Price: Only $59
Access to The Hypnotic Gastric Bypass audio sessions will be granted to you immediately after purchase. It doesn't matter if it's a Saturday and you're placing your order at 2:00 am.
Important Disclaimer:
The Hypnotic Gastric Bypass is NOT a medical procedure. There are not anesthesia or actual surgical procedures involved. Dr. Harlan Kilstein is not a medical doctor - he is a world-renowned hypnosis therapist with a Harvard post-doctorate degree in Education.
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